Saturday, April 10, 2010

How Long Has It Been Since You Went To

For some this may sound like a trick question.  But the reality of the matter is that a huge majority of twitter users never even make it over to the site.  They use an app on their iPhone or use a third party service to access there account online.  There are so many third party apps for twitter users that most find that going to the real twitter site is a waste.

Do you go to twitter?  The last time I was on the real site was when I needed to make a new account for a new website of mine, but that has been some time now. I think twitter needs to pick up the pace and get some new features that make their site worth visiting or otherwise they are just housing servers for us to use with our own third party apps.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Make Every Tweet Count

Do You Ad Value To Your Twitter Messages?
Posted on May 31st, 2009 On Webmaster Business Plan
Our Favorite Twitter Money System

Many folks are using twitter strictly for promotion purposes. There is nothing wrong with that, but, at the same time you must bring value to every message or the followers you do have will not be responsive to your twitter messages. If every message you send out is a request for a purchase or to join a program, people simply stop watching your twitter tweets.

If you want to keep your twitter follower’s attention, you need to work on making many informational tweets, between your promotional tweets. This lets the readers know that you always have fresh and useful information and I cannot stress the importance of this. Now when an ad comes out from your twitter account the followers know that you only bring quality and integrity and will give your product or service a true review.

Just like anything, nobody likes spam and twitter is no different. If you are just spamming links, people stop looking at what you have to offer and in many cases may actually stop following you all together. This is not the way you want your twitter account to go, so by taking some rather easy precautions and yes maybe a little more time, you can assure your followers that you are bringing the best of the web to them in every twitter tweet you send out and they will respond accordingly.

Another great way to bring a continued high level of value to your twitter messages while still being able to advertise is by writing a short ebook. You then can post messages once a week or maybe more often if you really keep your twitter account active, letting people know where they can download the free ebook on the topic of your niche. In your ebook, simply add the needed links to your product or service and believe me, you will surprised with the huge response.

Many time people are much more likely to get involved with a paid program or service, if they have already noticed the value that you are just giving away. It makes since, if you are surprised with the quality of free product, you assume the value of a paid product is much higher, this is basic human nature.

Just remember adding value to every post you make on twitter will drive your click through rate through the roof. So Take you time and make each tweet count.

To Success,

Nick Simpson

Monday, May 11, 2009

Twitter Message Quality

Many people are working with the new twitter adsense style system to generate extra cash righ from their own twitter account.  However some have brought to my attention that they are not making much from their efforts with the twitter money system.

One thing I have seen boost an affiliates payout with this twitter system, is by raising the quality of your twitter messages.  If you are only sending out promotional material, the chances are people will stop responding to your twitter messages, much like spam email.

If you really want to make money on twitter, you need to tweet often and about yourself or hot news topics to let people know that you are real person and not just somebody spamming the twitter system with ads.

Making frequent and quality twitter messages on your acccount you can raise your twitter profit by up to 20%

So good luck and don't forget to make each tweet count!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Adsense For Twitter

A cpm network refers to an ad network. Just like google adsense, these are examples of traditional cpm networks However, Twitter one of the fastest growing websites in the world, does not have a cpm network for its uses to use.

Well if you are on twitter and are looking for a way to make money, check out this Twitter CPM Network and learn how to get paid for your time on twitter today.

The system is free to use, the worst that can happen, is you make some money!